Friday, 2 May 2014


Task 1
Summarise who might play the game and what platform they will play it on. Give it a title.
Someone who might want to play the game are people aged between 7-16 year old who enjoy the thrills of going on adventures and completing puzzles to make there character the best they can. The game will be sold on the Nintendo Wii U and Nintendo 3DS. The name of the game will be The Gifted One.

Task 2

Use AIDA to plan a 10 minute marketing campaign for the new game:

A: How will you create marketing materials that attract audience attention to the game?We will advertise the game before release on billboards, Magazines, Gaming Sites and in store leaflets where you can pick up to see what games are coming soon (e.g. Game store) also an timed demo of the game also creates an effect to make the player want to carry on by purchasing the game with saves the data from the data to the game.

I: How will you generate audience interest?
On the store of the Xbox market and psn will show the people who I am targeting related games to what the user buys making sure they see the game and decide 
whether they want to buy it.
D: How will you stimulate audience desire to buy the game?
A: How will you promote audience action?
we will make an online forum about there thoughts on the game and what they want and we will provide free downloadable content if they subscribe to the season pass of our game.

Task 3
Write up your notes on your blog and be prepared to share your ideas with the class.

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